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Trent Park
Location | Enfield, UK
​Trent Park is an English country house in north London, accompanied by its former extensive grounds. The original great house, along with several statues and other structures within the grounds, such as the Orangery, are Grade II listed buildings.
Trent Country Park lies in 413 acres of rolling meadows, enchanting brooks, exquisite lakes, ancient woodland, and imposing historical sites.
​The magnificent stretches of Trent Country Park incorporate the wooded remnants of Enfield Chase, former royal hunting ground.

Lakes, ditches and wonderful wildlife habitats attract birds such as grey herons as well as provide frogs, newts, fish and dragonflies a healthy habitat to thrive. The colourful flowers provide nectar for insects and the reeds and bulrushes provide shelter for nesting birds.
Meet The Wildlife!
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